Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival & Perspective Economics

The Context

Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival is a multi-disciplinary arts organisation that runs two arts festivals and other events throughout the year. They showcase the best of local and international arts, platforming music, theatre, visual arts, comedy and literature. They also support local performers and artists through their bursary scheme.


Perspective Economics is a forward-thinking economic and policy advisory practice operating across the UK, Ireland and internationally. They use modern methodologies and analytics to provide insight on important economic, business and social issues. They’re a small team with big ambition.


The Challenge

Perspective Economics wanted to increase the social value they generate within the local economy. They also know it is important for businesses to highlight in a tangible way how they support social impact and that this is increasingly considered when bidding for government contracts. Perspective Economics have a long-standing relationship with CQAF and were very pleased to support CQAF with funding for the Creative Bursaries programme. As expected, the calibre of applicants was really strong and the partners were delighted with the quality of successful recipients who will use this funding to develop new material, perform at the festival, and expand their work to a new audience. Support from A&BNI Investment Programme to maximise the impact of these bursaries was very welcome. As a business based in the Cathedral Quarter, Perspective Economics hopes this funding will help to animate the area, grow the presence of the festival and their brand, and demonstrate their commitment to Social Value through their support for the Arts and event and place-based regeneration.


'Working with Perspective Economics and their Director on this project was very beneficial to our organisation. The collaboration was very hands-on with the Director showing a strong engagement from the beginning to the end of the process. We are delighted to be a partner in a very exciting collaboration, one which brings support for new work by artists and musicians in Northern Ireland’.


The Solution

In 2023-2024 the existing Creative Bursaries Scheme was developed further with the support of Perspective Economics. This had a real benefit for all involved as it provided artists with the freedom and resource to develop new forms and to showcase these to the public through CQAF during the festival. It was of benefit to the artists, the venues, the audience, and the wider Festival offering. Perspective Economics were involved in all aspects of the project, from initial application through to selection of the recipients of the music bursaries.

The support of Perspective Economics and Arts & Business NI allowed CQAF to build on the project for the second year running and then attract Belfast City Council to add their support, increasing the funding available for the bursary scheme.

The Results

The collaboration allowed both partners to increase awareness of their brands through the project activity. Partners were involved in all media coverage and acknowledged in publicity material produced for the project. Prominent logo placement on Festival materials demonstrated Perspective Economics’ interest in and support of arts activity and their belief in the value of investing in the arts. As a business providing economic advisory services to a wide range of public and private clients across the UK, this project aligned well with Perspective Economics’ commitment to Social Value and social impact. The ethos of the Festival’s ‘affordable ticket’ pricing, which allows people from many different backgrounds to attend events who might not have been able to otherwise, also sat well with the business. With a young workforce particularly interested in the arts and local music, this partnership also provided an opportunity for their staff to work closely with the Festival, to help to shape music and events programming, and to attend festival events.

“We are very pleased to continue our support of CQAF with funding support for the Creative Bursaries programme in partnership with Arts & Business NI. We were delighted with the quality of successful applicants to the programme who will use this funding to develop new material, perform at the festival, and expand their work to a new audience. We are a strong believer in the Arts in Northern Ireland and welcomed the support from A&BNI to maximise the impact of these bursaries. Our staff have also benefitted through being closely involved with the development of the Festival.”

Sam Donaldson, Director, Perspective Economics